
Thank you for stopping by the Wisdom From the Soul website.

Are you ready to live the life you most want being who you are.

Do you keep attracting people in your life that don't respect and accept you just as you are?

Do you find you keep doing the same thing over and over and not getting the results you want?

Do you find you are not happy and satisfied with your life?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, it's time to look inside yourself.

ARE YOU READY to look inside yourself and:

  • Determine what is not working and why.
  • Find the blocks that prevent you from living the life you want.
  • Release past hurts and the emotions attached to those hurts.
  • Learn how to change old thought patterns.
  • Bust beliefs that no longer serve you.
  • Embrace, accept and love who you truly are.

If you are ready to look inside yourself you could:

  • Attend a workshop or program where you will find a caring, compassionate, non-judgmental atmosphere that facilitates individual learning.
  • You may find one-on-one coaching is better for you.  Maureen provides a body, mind, spirit focus with her coaching that allows you to work on who you are and determine the life you most want and take action to get it!
I believe we all have a purpose for being on the earth.  It is when we move toward our purpose we experience our own greatness and we make an incredible contribution to ourselves and the world by being who we truly are.

Maureen is passionate about what she does and has a genuine interest in guiding people to heal what needs to be healed and to allow individuals to transform themselves and to live the life they most want to live.

If you are interested in changing your life, contact Maureen at 780-479-5011 or email her at mbracke@telusplanet.net to set up a meeting to discuss your life.