Soul Coaching Program®

Unlock the Secret Messages of Your body

The 28-day Jump Start Program for Radiant Health and Glorious Vitality

"The Soul (and Body) loves the truth"   Denise Linn

What is the Soul Coaching® Health Program?

Did you know there are secret messages hidden in your cells?  Do you know that uncovering these messages could have a profound effect on your health as well as every aspect of your life?

This 28-day program takes you on a healthful journey into the vast inner universe of your body, where mysteries dwell as great as any that can be found in the heavenly bodies above.

There are wondrous secrets in your cells, glands, and organs that can unveil countless insights about your life.  As these perceptions are revealed, your radiance expands and your body becomes lighter and freer.

The primary aim of the Soul Coaching® Health Program is to remove the inner debris so that you can connect with the spiritual wisdom of your body.  This isn't a diet plan or a techniques for controlling your intake of food and drink, nor it is a physical exercise regimen or fitness program.  There is deep intelligence in your body that absolutely knows what you need in every moment and understands that getting healthy isn't about depriving or constricting yourself.  It is about living life lusciously, and cherishing and honoring yourself.  This is a journey to lighten your soul, and thus, lighten your body.

Once you have dedicated yourself to this program, the universe hears your declaration....and extraordinary events seem to emerge within your life, all aimed at a deep soul cleansing and clearing.

The Soul (and body) Loves the Truth

This 28-day program is about unlocking the secret messages within, revealing the truth about your life and your body.  When you tell the truth, your energy, vibrancy, and health increase.  When you don't you become depleted and your body suffers.  Many people are exhausted, out of shape, overweight, or in poor health because they are not being starkly honest with themselves.  When you are authentic, your soul and body thrive.

This 28-day program is about uncovering the reality of who you are and what you're really feeling, which will have a profound effect on your health.  When you live and act in accordance with the dictates and truth of your soul, your body flourishes.

Your body is a receiving station for secret messages from Spirit - it's your own personal oracle - but often there are hidden barriers that keep you from hearing these messages.  All of your history, limiting beliefs, and negative programming are lodged in the cells of your body.  In this remarkable program you will discover these limitations to initiate your natural life force energy and your body's spiritual radiance.

Your Body as an Oracle

You will discover through this program the ways in which your body can be a powerful oracle.  You'll learn how to ask a question and receive an answer.  The bodily sensations you experience upon asking the questions (and where they occur, specifically) can offer you direct answers from your soul.  During this program you will have an opportunity to uncover exactly what you need for optimum health.

What is the 28-day Soul Coaching®  - Unlock the Secret Messages of Your Body Program?

The 28-day Soul Coaching® Health Program is a spiritual journey that is divided into four one-week periods.  Each week is dedicated to one of the elements Air, Water, Fire and Earth.  In a mysterious and organic way, our memories, beliefs and emotions are tied to the elements of nature.  By activating these elements within us, we also activate quadrants of our soul.  This in turn has a potent effect on our bodies.

There are practical assignments each day and you select the level that best matches the time you have available:

Level One - Committed to Change (5-15 minutes)

Level Two - Going for It (10-30 minutes) includes the level one exercises

Level Three - Playing Full Out (takes as long as you want) includes the level one and two exercises.

Using the 28-day jump-start program for radiant health and glorious vitality helps you:

  • Activate cellular healing and strengthening of your body from the inside out
  • Release shame, love and cherish the body that you have, no matter what shape it is
  • Clear your chakras
  • Get in physical shape, easily and joyously!
  • Prepare your body to become a receiving station for trans-subtle energy that will be flooding the planet in the years ahead
  • Realize why you were born with your particular body
  • Release negative karmic and ancestral influences that are held in your body
  • Discover the astonishing correlation between your body and your life - change your body, change your life!
  • Understand how clutter clearing can heal health challenges
  • Clear past traumas out of your auric field
  • Use your body as an incredibly accurate oracle for your life
  • And so much more!


The Soul Coaching® Health Program runs for six weeks.  :

We will meet once a week commencing at 6:30 p.m. and will meet for 2.0 to 3.0 hours.

  • Week One - Introduction to the program and each other and beginning of the Element of Air
  • Week Two - Element of Water
  • Week Three - Element of Fire
  • Week Four - Element of Earth
  • Week Five - Going on a Quest
  • Week Six - Celebration of completion of the Soul Coaching Program - Unlock the Secret Messages of Your Body

Investment $295.00 (plus GST) - which includes all class materials.



Contact Maureen Bracke, Your Soul Coach, at 780-479-5011  or email for more information and to register for this program.