What is the Soul Coaching® Program?

Do you know who you are and why you are here?

Do you know what your mission in life is?

Are you aware of the daily guidance from your soul?

No matter how great your outward success is, if you do not know the answer to these questions, you might feel that there is something missing in your life.

This 28-day Soul Coaching®  Program is a powerful program that anyone can do.  It is a process that takes you to your spiritual source and helps you to find meaning and sacredness in your everyday life,.  It allows you to take an honest look at yourself and life, face fear, release old negative patters, get motivated, and step boldly and joyfully into your future. 

Once you have committed yourself to this program, life seems to unfold in a remarkable, almost magical way.  Declare that you are ready to discover you authentic self, and are willing to dedicate one month of your life to do it, and the loving forces of the universe will combine to propel you in the direction of your destiny.  Synchronistic events and seeming "coincidences" begin to expand exponentially in your life.  The total program lasts six weeks including the 28 day program.

What is the 28-day Soul Coaching Program?

The 28-day Soul Coaching® program is about telling the truth to yourself about your life. When you tell the truth, your energy increases and when you don't tell the truth you become depleted.

The 28-day Soul Coaching® Program is a spiritual journey is divided into four one-week periods.  Each week is dedicated to one of the Four Elements.  Air, Water, Fire, and Earth.  The elements coincide with mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical wellness.  No matter how busy you are, you can do this program!

There are very practical assignments each day and you select the level that best matches the time you have available:

Level One - Committed to Change - (15-30 minutes)

Level Two - Going for it - (30-60 minutes)

Level Three - Playing Full Out - (take as long as you want)

The design and delivery of this approach makes it suitable for people from all walks of life regardless of religious beliefs.  Soul Coaching® will just enhance and compliment who you really are.  You could be just starting out on your journey or be on your journey of exploration already.  Soul Coaching® will benefit you wherever you are.

By paying attention to how the elements appear in your day-to-day life, you learn to harness their power to release what no longer serves you - the clutter, relationships, fears, and physical limitations.  The process is simple yet powerful.

As a result, your life opens up in the most remarkable almost magical way.  Your courage to honestly look at your life allows you to face your fears, let go of destructive thinking and behavior, and have more energy and motivation.

Here are just a few of the topics:

  • Life Assessment
  • Clearing your clutter in your bedroom/bathroom
  • Exploring your Soul Mission in life
  • Turning Points in your Life
  • Attitude of Gratitude
  • Confronting Fear/Developing Faith
  • Fanning the Flame of Your Creativity
  • Connecting with your Body
  • Awakening the Natural Forces Within You

The aim of Soul Coaching® is to align your inner spiritual life with your outer life, with the intention to clear away inner debris in order to connect you with the wisdom of your soul.  It helps you to clear away mental and emotional clutter so you hear the messages from within.  It also helps you to discover your purpose so you can design a life that supports that purpose.  Again, the process is simple yet powerful.



The Soul Coaching® Program runs for six weeks.  

Tuesdays May 24 to June 28, 2022.

We will meet once a week for approximately 2.0 to 3.0 hours

  • Week One - Introductions to the program and to each other and introduction to the Element of Air
  • Week Two - Element of Water
  • Week Three - Element of fire
  • Week Four - Element of Earth
  • Week Five - Go on a Quest
  • Week Six - Completion of the Program Discover Your Authentic Self

INVESTMENT - $349.00 plus GST - includes all class materials and soul coaching manual.

Join us May 24 to June 28, 2022.


Contact Maureen Bracke, Your Soul Coach, at 780-479-5011 or email me at for more information and to register.