Here is what participants have said about the Soul Coaching®  Program - Discovery your Authentic Self

The 28 day Soul Coaching®  Program was fantastic.  I really enjoyed the daily exercises with the focus on the four elements and connecting with nature.  Throughout the program I was able to identify the blocks that have held me back.  I gained so many insights each day as I connected deeply with my higher self.  The group sessions were powerful.  Sharing our experiences and connecting with each other in a non judgmental and supportive way each week enhanced the learning process.  This amazing journey has given me the tools to move forward with confidence.                                                    Sheila Robbins, Edmonton, AB

What I most appreciated about the Soul Coaching®  Program was that it provided me the opportunity to review my life and all its learnings in an atmosphere of acceptance and compassion.                                                                              Marie Powers, Edmonton, AB

This program literally turbo-boosted my spiritual/personal growth and development into unchartered territories.  I embraced my creativity, dissolved professional angst, created a successful history of keeping personal commitments, and ultimately stepped into my calling with fearlessness and passion.  I recommend this program to anyone seeking their authentic self.                                                                            Patty Breton, Edmonton, AB

Powerful, practical ways to reach into the soul for answers to your own life's great mysteries.  The Soul Coaching®  Program recognized nature in all aspects of the human existence.  For me, this course honored and celebrated the wisdom of the soul.  I look forward to taking Level 2.                                                         Chris Harris, Sherwood Park, AB

Are you ready to make some big changes in your life and see some of the reasons why you do what you do?  This Soul Coaching®  Program administered by Maureen Bracke has been a wonderful opportunity to allow me to learn and discover about my inner self.  The deeper I allowed myself to explore my feelings and thoughts the more I understood myself.  The daily projects are simple and allow you to take time for yourself.  Daily affirmations are wonderful.  I felt on these days especially I was more connected with my spiritual self and I was able to focus on me.  Changes occurred and they still are with the learning from this journey.                                                                                        Shauna Shore, Edmonton, AB

This has been the most amazing program for me.  I am truly grateful to Maureen for her guidance through this spiritual and personal journey that has allow me to connect more deeply with my higher self.  Through this program I gained the confidence I needed to move forward.  I love the daily meditations and exercises and truly enjoyed our weekly get togethers.  I highly recommend this program to anyone who is seeking their authentic self and I look forward to taking level ll.                                       Jacquie Schmit, Mornville, AB

While going through Level One of the Soul Coaching®  Program you gently encouraged me personally to look inside myself and not be afraid of what I see.  I have discovered that I have many faults but guess what? we all do!! and that's alright.  I am learning that I am, and we all are, worthy of better things for ourselves.  You have taught me how to release my fears and parts of my past that no longer serve me and that in itself is invaluable.  It is challenging to look inside ourselves from our truths but you expertly handle each of us in such a kind and gentle manner that it encourages me to want to go on to the next levels to see what lies ahead.  Although this has been a very enlightening experience you have also made it a lot of fun too.  I have definitely been getting more in touch with my "Inner Child" and I feel the importance of nurturing her as well.  I was really pleased to hear that everyone in our group has decided to go the distance and take level two and three.  I think we are all beginning to see and appreciate the growth of each of our souls and I for one am glad to have the opportunity to meet and get to know some new and interesting people.

Prior to finding this program I had been asking the angels to bring me my teachers and open doors to opportunities and I feel very blessed that they led me to you.  Thank You Maureen.                                        Much Love and Light Carmen Mason, Sherwood Park, AB

I have just completed the Soul Coaching® program with Maureen Bracke and I wanted to say what a fantastic program this is.  I've noticed real clearing within myself and have acquired tools that I know I will use in the years to come.  Maureen gives so much of herself and her time to her students and her warm, non-judgmental approach allows you to delve into whatever you need to on any level in order to create the life you want.  It's been a wonderful experience and I am wholeheartedly recommending it to all of my friends.  Liana Shannon, Edmonton, AB

I would like to thank you for your guidance and support you gave me throughout the Soul Coaching® program.  You provided me with valuable tools that I needed to learn more  about myself and to overcome obstacles.  I know I will continue to use these tools in the future.  I have gained more confidence which will continue to help me build the life I desire.  I'm grateful for your kindness and sincerity.  You are a wonderful coach and I'm glad you share your wisdom with others.  Wishing you all the best, many blessings.   Maya Gringas, Edmonton, AB

After taking the Soul Coaching® Program my life is "under new management"!

Before I took the program I was always looking for that one missing piece of the puzzle in my life.  Now, looking back I realize the whole puzzle was missing!  I have a renewed sense of self, confidence and most importantly peace and serenity in my life.  I now find great joy in the little things in life and am seeing the world through "new eyes".

I would encourage anyone who is always searching for that missing piece of the puzzle in their life to join Maureen for an awesome journey.  It will change your life!  Thanks Maureen for sharing your gift with me.  Eternally grateful.  Diane Gogerla, Ardrossan, AB