Heal Your Life®  Workshops


Learn 12 Easy Ways to Love Yourself 

Join this free one-hour workshop 12 Easy Ways to Love Yourself based on the philosophies of Louise Hay.




During this workshop you will learn:
  • 12 Easy Ways to learn to love yourself
  • Loving ourselves is the foundation for making positive changes
  • Practicing these easy ways to love yourself will improve your life
  • When you really love yourself your life can blossom
You will leave this workshop with 12 easy ways to love yourself.

If you are ready to learn 12 Easy Ways to Love Yourself join us 

To join this workshop email Maureen 

I look forward to "seeing" you there!

The Journey to Self-Love

Are you ready to fall in love with yourself?

In this workshop you will discover:

  • The most important thing you need to stop doing
  • Why loving yourself and self-care helps others
  • How to release past hurts
  • The importance of embracing your Inner Child
  • Affirmations to empower yourself and your actions




  • By email money transfer to mbracke@telusplanet.net
  • By Pay Pal.  Send me the email you would lie to have a Pay Pal invoice sent to.  You can then use your credit card if you wish.
  • By regular mail to P.O. Box 11575 STN MAIN, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3K7
Please register prior to 


Forgiveness:  The Key to Freedom

This workshop will guide you through a powerful process to release and forgive past experiences that prevent you from creating the wonderful life you deserve.

During this workshop you will learn:

  • Why it is vital to forgive for your own well-being
  • A process for releasing underlying guilt and anger
  • It's not about condoning bad behavior
  • How forgiveness opens the doorway to love
  • Forgiveness is a process for yourself and others to use





  • By email money transfer to mbracke@telusplanet.net
  • By Pay Pal.  Send me the email you would lie to have a Pay Pal invoice sent to.  You can then use your credit card if you wish.
  • By regular mail to P.O. Box 11575 STN MAIN, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3K7
Please register prior to 

Heal your life® 

2 Day Transformational Workshop

This is an in person workshop

No Current Dates Set 

Saturday and Sunday

9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (each day)

Location to be announced.

In this workshop, participants will learn to recognize their subconscious mind and eliminate negative self-esteem beliefs such as: 

  • relationships don’t work
  • Life is difficult
  • I don't matter
  • I'll never have what I really want
  • I'm not good enough
  • I'm not worthy

Participants will identify limiting beliefs that no longer serve them while learning tools and techniques to move past fear, self sabotage, and old emotions that have been holding them back.


Learning how to love yourself fully is the foundation of this program.

Workshop Topics:

  • Body, mind and spirit connection
  • Identifying limiting beliefs and where they came from
  • Healing your inner child
  • Forgiveness
  • Healing past relationships
  • Create better health
  • Releasing old emotions
  • Create a new vision for your life

IF YOU ARE LOOKING TO CHANGE YOU AND YOUR LIFE, please email me and let me know you are ready to love yourself fully and want to attend this workshop. 


Maureen Bracke is a Licensed and Certified Heal Your Life® Teacher.

I help women who are ready to really love and accept themselves and enjoy fulfilling lives.

I have been a professional coach, trained with Coach U. Inc. for over twenty years and have been delivering workshops and programs that help people truly become who they are meant to be.

I have also been trained and certified as an Angel Therapy Practitioner® and Spiritual Teacher by Doreen Virtue Ph.D. and Denise Linn as a Certified Soul Coach® and Past Life Coach.